Monday, March 24, 2008

She Shoots, She Scores

I find myself feeling a little spoiled. To be perfectly honest, I really love my life in DC. I live in a great apartment, I work for a good company and for good people. My work may not be the most interesting or important work but it does allow me to maintain a certain level of comfort that frankly, I completely enjoy. I haven't packed a lunch for over 2 years. I haven't ordered a pizza at home in over a year because a buffet of them are available every Friday for lunch. As far as the ridiculous materialistic side of my work (and probably life in general) goes, I really want for nothing.

I have enjoyed a bit of a lucky streak lately. My company owns seats in a box at the Verizon center that I have had the privilege to enjoy more than once. Since moving to DC, I have been to 6 different concerts and professional sporting events and have only paid for tickets one time. Last night was another freebie for Kate. My old roommate, Favre, from the house-who-will-not-be-named emailed on Friday to invite myself and our other former roommate, Rocky, to go to the game on Sunday. He didn't say what game (hockey, basketball, pro, college, etc) but the word 'free' was in the invite so I of course said yes.

I am well aware of the phrase 'beggars can't be choosers' but when it comes to seats, even when the tickets are free, I don't want crappy ones. The only time I paid for my seat was for a Wizards game. I paid a whopping 20 bucks and got what I paid for - second to last row in the ENTIRE arena-so high up the players were but specks running around on a postage stamp of a court. This is no way to watch a game.

I met Favre and company at a bar before the game for a quick drink and catch up session, then the tickets were handed out in case we were separated.


Wizards vs. Pistons
6 rows back from the court, close enough to watch the Pistons lose and awesome enough to not feel entirely guilty about staying out too late, drinking too much, and paying for it dearly all day today at work.

I love my life.

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