Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Surprise! No updates

Heyyyyyyy. So I moved. And there are stories to tell. But not tonight because that requires a) creativity, b) time, and c) more sobriety than I currently have. Case in point - just finished a blog at this other sight, on schedule, and had this chat with my lil sis:

me: dude
did you see?
Kristin: Yeah I just read it!
me: I wrote my Wednesday blog! (drunk)
Kristin: hahaha
me: not really drunk
Kristin: I about to tuck into some ben & jerrys
me: my office chair is now my exercise ball
so with all the bouncing and drinking, who knows
ooooooh ice cream
Kristin: haha
I just read your blog
and am now tempted to pair my tasty costco cabernet with some cheetos
Kristin: hahaha
me: Kate=Class
Kristin: naturally

Yup. That's it. Now about those cheetos...

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